Warrington Mencap, Suites 3-5, 3 Bewsey Road, Warrington, WA2 7LN      01925 232260




Links and useful information.....



Playability Providing help and support to the families of children with severe and profound disabilities. Playschemes during most school holidays, a youth club for age 12 and above and a Saturday morning club for children under 12. Contact Wendy Andrews on 01925 493838 for advice or more information www.play-ability.org



* Warrington Intergrated Sports Club - ***Currently Closed due to Covid-19***



* Families United (FUN) - Providing parents and children with sensory, physical, and associated disabilities the opportunity to interact with other families. For information on social events, activities or for further information please contact FUN on 01925 815557 www.familiesunited.org.uk



* Warrington Disability Partnership - (WDP) is an independent, user led Social Enterprise committed to valuing everyone's life skills, experience and individuality to enable positive change. We actively promote independent living by providing information on peer counselling, housing, equipment, personal assistance, transport, access, employment, education, training and other services. www.disabilitypartnership.org.uk


Warrington Speak Up - an independent advocacy organisation actively promoting and providing advocacy. Their aim is to strengthen the voice of people living in Warrington who face discrimination, disadvantage and social isolation
















